There is a downside, though one service can’t do everything well, Office 365 may handle email and office productivity tools well, but its other features suffer.  In particular, its native security and archiving capabilities are limited.

Smart businesses will use an additional layer of Office 365 security, and that’s where 
CleanerINBOX Plus (MAXMail) comes in. This online email security product from CleanerINBOX Plus (MAXMail) provides an additional layer of protection for Office 365 customers, blocking threats before they even reach a company’s Office 365 email server

Microsoft Office 365 Seamless Integration for an extra layer of protection

Microsoft Office 365 cloud service brings the benefits of cloud productivity to businesses. 

Its online email and office productivity tools save customers significant hardware and management costs.

Is your inbox overwhelming every day?

Have you asked yourself, why do I get so many unwanted emails that I don’t have time to sort through?

If you want to get more accomplished at work by starting with a clean inbox start using CleanerINBOX Plus today!

  • Affordable comprehensive cloud based spam filtering
  • No Software to Install                                                                             
  • Fast and easy to setup
  • Stop Spam! Filter Spam! Block Spam!